Team Member Role(s) Profile
Paul Banaszkiewicz Paul Banaszkiewicz Section Editor
Kim Kim Chan Segment Author
KS Kiran Singisetti Segment Author
  • Metabolic bone diseases are disorders of bone strength, normally due to abnormalities of mineral (calcium and phosphate), vitamin D, bone mass and structures. Metabolic bone disease if left untreated can lead to fragility fractures, deformities of bone and other serious disabilities.
  • This is a sequence of complex bone turnover involving bone resorption (osteoclastogenesis) and bone formation (osteoblastogenesis).
  • Ninety-nine% of calcium is stored in the bone.
  • Extraosseous calcium constitutes only 1% of the total body calcium but is important for the functioning of nerves and muscles as well as clotting cascade.
  • Plasma calcium circulates in two forms: 50% free ionised form which is active and 50% inactive form bound to albumin.
  • Normal plasma concentration of calcium is between 2.2 and 2.6 mmol/l. Plasma calcium concentration is interpreted by taking into account the level of free ionised calcium and concentration of albumin in the specimen.
  • Eighty-five% of phosphate exists in the bone and functions as metabolite and buffer in enzyme systems. Plasma phosphate is mainly unbound.
  • The following two hormones primarily regulate calcium and phosphate levels:

Parathyroid hormone 

  • Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the primary immediate regulator of calcium levels in the blood.
  • PTH is a peptide containing 84 amino acids secreted by chief cells of parathyroid glands.
  • An active PTH is formed from a 115 amino acid polypeptide “pre-pro-PTH,” which is then cleaved to a 90 amino acid chain and finally into a 84 amino acid chain.
  • The half-life of PTH is 2–4 minutes. 

Vitamin D and its metabolites

  • Vitamin D is fat soluble. Vitamin D is both manufactured in the skin and ingested in the diet. 
  • In the skin, ultraviolet radiation converts the precursor vitamin D (7-dehydrocholesterol) into vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).
  • Vitamin D2 (ergosterol) is ingested in the diet in fish oil and some plants.
  • Vitamin D3 undergoes two stages of hydroxylation, first in the liver to 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and then in the kidney to 1,25-hydroxycholecalciferol (Figure 1)

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Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing Vitamin D metabolism

Table 1. Dietary needs



Children: 600 mg/day

Daily requirements: 1–1.5 g/day

Adolescents: 1300 mg/day


Adults: 750 mg/day


Pregnancy: 1500 mg/day


Breastfeeding: 2 g/day


Fractures: 1500 mg/day



Table 2. Regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism




Factors causing ↑

Factors causing ↓ 

Effects on intestine

Effects on kidney

Effects on bone

Effects on [calcium]

Effects on [phosphate]

PTH peptide 

Chief cells parathyroid gland

↓ [Ca2+]

↑ [Ca2+]

↑ 1,25(OH)D

No direct effect

↑ Absorption of Ca indirectly via ↑ 1,25 (OH)D

↑ Production of 1,25(OH)D

↑ Reabsorption of calcium

↑ Excretion of phosphate

Stimulates osteoclasts to absorb bone

Stimulates recruitment of preosteoclasts

1,25(OH)2D steroid

Proximal tubule of kidney

↓ [Ca2+]

↓ [phos]


↑ [Ca2+]



↑ Absorption of Ca

↑ Absorption of phos


Stimulates reabsorption of bone (osteoclastic)


Para follicular cells of thyroid

↑ [Ca2+]

↓ [Ca2+]



Inhibits osteoclastic reabsorption of bone

Transient ↓


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Figure 2. Schematic diagram showing regulation of calcium homeostasis

Hormonal control of calcium balance


Produced in response to low serum calcium,is suppressed when serum calcium is elevated

  • Increased mobilization of Ca from bone
  • Increased kidney reabsorption of Ca, decreased reabsorption of Phos
  • Increased kidney conversion of 25-OH to 1,25 diOH- Vitamin D


Formation regulated by PTH, indirectly by serum calcium

  • Increased Ca and Phos absorption from gut
  • Increased Ca mobilization from bone


Figure 3.PTH control of calcium balance 


Figure 4.1,25-diOH control calcium balance. 


  • Oestrogen prevents bone loss.
  • Corticosteroidsincreased bone loss (reduced gut absorption, decreased bone formation).
  • Growth hormonecauses positive calcium balance.

Growth factors

  • Insulin-like growth factor –produced by osteoblasts, recruits osteoblasts.
  • Transforming growth factors –produced during bone resorption, stimulate osteoblasts.
  • IL-1 and osteoclast activating factor –activate bone resorption.
  • Prostaglandins –regulate both osteoblasts and osteoclasts.


  • Hypercalcaemia is defined by the level of calcium above 2.6 mmol/L. Patient may be asymptomatic from hypercalcaemia. However, the classic series of symptoms for this condition is “bones, moans, stones and abdominal groans.” 
  • Bones: excessive bone resorption
  • Stones: polyuria, polydipsia and kidney stone
  • Groans (gastrointestinal): constipation, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain
  • Moans (central nervous system effects): confusion, weakness, stupor, hyperreflexia
  • Other side effects: sudden cardiac arrest, hypotension

Causes of hypercalcaemia:

1 Malignancy

  • Bone destruction from bone metastases or myeloma
  • PTH-like secretion of malignant tumours, e.g. squamous cell carcinoma
  • 1,25-dihydrocholecalciferol synthesis in lymphoma

2 Endocrine

  • Pituitary
  • Thyroid: hyperthyroidism
  • Adrenal: Addison’s disease

3 Genetic

  • Familial: multiple endocrine neoplasia, familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia

4 Sarcoidosis
5 Steroids
6 Vitamin D intoxication


  • Hypocalcaemia is defined by level of calcium less than 2.2mmol/L. Causes of hypocalcaemia include:
  • Thyroid surgery or hypothyroidism 
  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Clinical features of hypocalcaemia can be divided into acute and chronic:
  • Acute: neuromuscular irritability (tetany, seizures), depression, perioral paraesthesia, and prolonged QT interval on ECG
  • Chronic: fungal nail infections and cataracts

Primary hyperparathyroidism

  • Primary hyperparathyroidism happens when there is oversecretion of PTH. This mainly affects 40–65 year olds, with a female to male ration of 2:1. Causes of primary hyperparathyroidism include:
  • Parathyroid adenoma (90% of cases)
  • Hyperplasia of parathyroid chief cell 
  • Parathyroid carcinoma (1%)
  • Clinical features: often asymptomatic, only 10% have moans, bones, stones and abdominal groans 
  • Radiological features of hyperparathyroidism:
  • Osteopenia (diffuse demineralisation) 
  • Subperiosteal erosions (radial borders of proximal phalanges, skull, medial end clavicle)
  • Osteitis fibrosa cystica (brown tumours): increased giant cell, haemosiderin staining and fibrous marrow replacement
  • Chondrocalcinosis and metastatic calcification of soft tissues
  • Shaggy trabeculae
  • Rugger jersey spine
  • Bilateral sacroiliac joint widening and erosion
  • Radiological appearances are caused by increased osteoclastic resorption of bone with failure of bone repair caused by poor mineralisation due to low phosphate level.
  • Blood results: increased calcium, increased PTH, decreased phosphate, normal or increased alkaline phosphatase.
  • Treatment: parathyroidectomy but beware of hungry bone syndromepostoperatively (hypocalcaemia due to brisk formation of new bone).

Secondary hyperparathyroidism

  • Parathyroid hyperplasia leading to over secretion in response to chronic hypocalcaemia or hyperphosphatemia.
  • Associated conditions: renal osteodystrophy and chronic kidney disease.
  • Blood results: normal or decreased calcium, increased PTH and increased phosphate.

Other causes of hypercalcaemia

  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN I and II) 
  • Malignancy 
  • Hyperthyroidism 
  • Addison’s (hypoadrenocorticism)
  • Steroids 
  • Peptic ulcers 
  • Sarcoidosis 

Primary hypoparathyroidism

  • Iatrogenic can be common cause after thyroidectomy 
  • Blood results: low calcium, high phosphate 


  • This is a rare condition due to lack of effect of PTH on target cell
  • Clinical features: obesity, diminished intelligence, short first, fourth and fifth metacarpals and metatarsals
  • Blood test: normal or high PTH, low calcium, high phosphate

Renal osteodystrophy

  • Renal osteodystrophy can be caused by the following two mechanisms: 
  • Tubular disease: synthesis of the active form of vitamin D is impaired as a result of damage to the renal tubules. This lead to impaired calcium absorption in the gut and loss of calcium from the kidneys.
  • Glomerular disease: glomerular damage results in uraemia and phosphate retention. The elevated level of phosphate further suppresses activation of vitamin D in the kidney.
  • A blood test in renal osteodystrophy shows normal or low calcium and raised alkaline phosphatase. Low serum calcium can lead to excessive parathyroid production, leading to features of hyperparathyroidism, which can be exacerbated by the elevated phosphate levels, resulting in ectopic calcification. 
  • Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease resulting in reduction of bone mass density secondary to uncoupling of the osteoclast–osteoblast mechanism with normal mineralisation of the bone. This includes disruption to the microarchitecture of the bone, leading to increase in fragility fractures and consequent increase in fracture risk. World Health Organization definition as below:
  • Osteopenia defined as 1.0 to 2.5 standard deviations below peak bone mass of a normal healthy individual of similar gender and race, T-score = –1.0 to –2.5.
  • Osteoporosis defined as 2.5 standard deviations below peak bone mass of a normal healthy individual of a similar gender and race, T-score <–2.5.
  • T-score presents the result as the number of standard deviations above or below the mean peak bone mass for a population matched for sex and race.
  • Z-score presents the result as the number of standard deviations above or below the mean bone mass for population matched for age, race and sex.
  • T-score is used for diagnosis of osteoporosis.
  • A low Z-score indicates that osteoporosis is not age related and therefore an underlying cause should be sought as there may be some treatable condition. 
  • Osteoporosis can be classified either as type 1 (postmenopausal) or type 2 (age related). Type 1 osteoporosis is related to loss of oestrogen and affects mainly cancellous bone at the time of menopause, so vertebral and distal radius fractures are common. Type 2 osteoporosis is age related and affects cortical and cancellous bone. Osteoporosis affects women more than men with a ratio of 4:1. Osteoporosis is associated with fragility fractures such as vertebral bodies, hip and wrist fractures in decreasing order. 

Risk factors for osteoporosis can be divided into modifiable and non-modifiable factors:

  • Non-modifiable factors:
    • Increasing age
    • Woman
    • Early menopause
    • Race, e.g. fair-skinned
    • Family history
  • Modifiable factors:
    • Diet: deficiency of calcium and vitamin D
    • Low body weight
    • Malnutrition
    • Chronic alcohol excess
    • Cigarette smoking
    • Medications: anticonvulsants and antidepressants


  • Laboratory: low 25 hydroxyvitamin D level


  • Plain X-rays for suspicion of insufficiency fractures
  • DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) is the gold standard for diagnosing osteoporosis. This is a low radiation radiological investigation that is quick and accurate in diagnosing osteoporosis. This involves simultaneous measurement of the passage through the body of X-rays with two different energies. The usage of two different energy beams to minimise the effect of soft tissues, particularly fat on the result. Cause of false positive in the spine includes previous laminectomy and false negative in the spine is osteoarthritis with resulting osteophytes and sclerosis. 
  • Quantitative ultrasound and computed tomography (CT).


  • Lifestyle modifications – weight loading exercises, avoidance of excessive alcohol, smoking.
  • Pharmacological – calcium, vitamin D, bisphosphonates and hormone replacement therapy.
  • Operative – osteoporotic fractures (vertebroplasty in osteoporotic wedge fracture).
  • Osteomalacia is qualitative defect of skeletal mineralisation caused by deficiency of the active metabolites of vitamin D or phosphate. There is a defective mineralisation result in a large amount of unmineralised osteoid and decreased rate of bone formation. Osteomalacia is rare and affects one in 1000 of the population.
  • Risk factors: vitamin D deficient diets, renal osteodystrophy, hypophosphatemia, alcohol excess, malabsorption (e.g. coeliac disease), drugs (phenytoin, rifampicin and etidronate).
  • Symptoms: generalised bone and muscle pain, long bone fractures, proximal muscle weakness, fatigue.
  • Radiographic findings: Looser’s zone is an area of insufficiency fracture of medial femoral cortex (Figure 5), protrusion acetabuli and biconcave vertebral bodies.

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Figure 5. Loosers zone in Osteomalacia

Diagnosis of osteomalacia:

  • Clinical: proximal muscle weakness, bone pain and tenderness and fracture (incomplete or bilateral).
  • Blood tests: depend on underlying cause.
  • Tetracycline: labelled bone biopsy test is the gold standard in diagnosis of osteomalacia.
  • Treatment: large doses of oral vitamin D (1000 IU/day) and treating the underlying cause
  • Rickets is the juvenile form of osteomalacia with impaired mineralisation of cartilage matrix (chondroid) due to lack of calcium and phosphate. 
  • This occurs at zone of provisional calcification in a skeletally immature patient.
  • This leads to increased physeal width, cortical thinning and bowing.
  • Clinical features depend on the severity of the deficiency and the age of onset. 

General manifestation of rickets:

  • Retarded bone growth causing short stature
  • Brittle bone with physeal cupping/widening (see Figure 6)
  • Long bone deformities
  • Symptoms of hypocalcaemia
  • Failure to thrive, restlessness, muscular hypotonia, tetany and convulsions but only minimal bone changes in those under 18 months old

Localised features of rickets (top to toe):

  • Delayed fontanelle closure and frontal and parietal bossing
  • Dental disease
  • Rachitic rosary (enlargement/hypertrophy of costochondral junction)
  • Harrison’s sulcus (groove/sulcus/depression in the sternum)
  • Pigeon chest
  • Kyphosis
  • Protuberant abdomen, hepatomegaly
  • Genu valgum or varum, anterolateral bowing of distal tibia
  • Coxa vara, anterolateral bowing of femur
  • Waddling gait

Table 3. Classification Rickets





Alk phos


Vit D

1,25(OH)Vit D

Vitamin D deficiency rickets



Vitamin D resistant rickets

X-linked dominant





Type 1 vitamin D dependent

Autosomal recessive



Type 2 vitamin D dependent

Autosomal recessive





Autosomal recessive





Renal osteodystrophy

Renal disease



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Figure 6. Metaphyseal cupping and widening in Rickets

  • Medical treatment of rickets includes calcitriol (1,25 Vit D3) supplementation. On the other hand, surgical intervention includes correction of bony deformities.
  • Osteopetrosis is a rare congenital disease caused by defective osteoclastic resorption of immature bone. This condition affects one in three million of the population.
  • The inability of osteoclast to acidify Howship’s lacuna (osteoclast dysfunction with lack of ruffled border) leads to dense bone and obliterated medullary canals. This predisposes to fracture with lower extremity affected more than upper extremity and axial skeleton. 

Table 4. Classification

Genetic forms



Clinical presentation


Autosomal recessive (AR)

  • Proton pumpor chloride channel dysfunction
  • Pancytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly and infection
  • Fatal at an early age without bone marrow transplant


Autosomal recessive (AR)

  • Carbonic anhydrase II dysfunction or chloride channel dysfunction
  • Usually live into adulthood


Autosomal dominant (AD)

  • Chloride channel dysfunction
  • Type I does not have increased fracture risk
  • Type II is known as Albers–Schonberg disease (anaemia, pathological fractures, and premature osteoarthritis)
  • General health, life span, mental function and physique are normal
  • Most common form to be managed by orthopaedic surgeon
  • Associated conditions:
  • Item 1: head – cranial nerve palsies (skull foramina overgrowth), osteomyelitis (lack of white blood cells)
  • Item 2: spine – lower back pain due spondylolysis
  • Item 3: pelvis – coxa vara
  • Item 4: extremities – carpal tunnel syndrome, long bone fractures
  • Investigations:
  • Histology: defective osteoclasts with lack of ruffled border, empty lacunae and Haversian canal obliteration
  • Laboratory: increases acid phosphatase, PTH with or without calcium in AR, normal in AD
  • Imaging:
  • Item 1: generally – increased overall bone density, loss of medullary canal, increased cortical thickening
  • Item 2: “Erlenmeyer flask” proximal humerus and distal femur, block femoral metaphysis, “rugger jersey” spine and coxa vara
  • Treatment:
  • Item 1: medical management


Bone marrow transplant mainly in infantile malignant form

High dose calcitriol (1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D)

Interferon gamma 1-beta in autosomal dominant form

Surgical management

Neurosurgical decompression for cranial nerve compression

Operative management for fractures

Total knee and hip arthroplasty for degenerative joint diseases

Idiopathic transient osteoporosis of the hip (ITOH)

  • This condition is also known as bone marrow oedema syndrome, usually unilateral, self-resolving in 6–8 months and affects predominantly men.
  • The pathogenesis is local hyperaemia and impaired venous return with marrow oedema and increased intramedullary pressure.
  • Patient normally presents with groin pain and stiffness without trauma or injury.
  • This is a diagnosis of exclusion and other causes such as infection, tumours, avascular necrosis and stress fracture need to be ruled out.


  • X-rays – lag behind clinical signs by 4–8 weeks, may show subchondral cortical loss, diffuse osteopenia of femoral neck, joint space always preserved
  • Bone scan – increase signal uptake, precede X-rays changes
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – imaging modality of choice
  • Decreased signal, loss of fatty marrow on T1 images
  • High signal of marrow oedema and joint effusion on T2 images


  • Symptomatic with avoidance of weight bearing

Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans)


  • Paget’s disease was first described by Sir James Paget in 1876. Aetiology of Paget’s disease remains unknown although this has been associated with positive family history and virus (paramyxovirus, RSV). It is thought to be related to viral infection in genetically predisposed individuals with positive family history. This disease mainly affects the western world (North America, England, Northern Europe) with slight preponderance to men.


  • Primary abnormality is increase in osteoclastic reabsorption of bone followed by compensatory bone formation (accelerated bone remodelling). Bone is rapidly laid down and resorbed. This leads to newly formed bone that is coarse fibred and disorganised architecturally. This leads to mechanically weak bone and the marrow tends to become fibrous with scanty haematopoietic cells. The abnormal bone is rapidly resorbed by osteoclasts and bone turnover is greatly increased. There are two forms of Paget’s disease, monostotic and polyostotic form.
  • Pathological phases:
    • Osteolytic: intense osteoclastic bone resorption
    • Mixed: compensatory osteoblastic bone formation
    • Sclerotic: intense osteoblastic bone production

Clinical features: 

  • The majority of patients are asymptomatic. Mostly, incidental findings on X-rays or raised blood alkaline phosphatase level for investigations of other conditions. Bone pain can be main presenting complaint, related to acute fracture or degenerative joint diseases. Other symptoms and complications which are sequelae of bone distortion or enlargement:
  • Pathological fractures
  • Long bone deformities
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Deafness or other cranial nerve encroachment due to foramina lumen narrowing
  • Metabolic: high cardiac output, gout, hypercalciuria, hypercalcaemia 
  • Malignancy: 1% chance of progression to sarcomatous changes usually in diffuse long standing disease.


  • Raised blood alkaline phosphatase or urinary hydroxyproline (increase collagen turnover).

X-rays findings:

bone deformity, degenerative joint disease, widened bones, coarse wide trabeculae, discrete area of osteolysis, protrusion acetabula.


  • Most patients require no active treatment. Treatment for Paget’s disease can be divided into:


  • Bisphosphonates and calcitonin (lowers the bone turnover rate by decreasing activity and number of osteoclasts.


  • ORIF and corrective osteotomy – intractable joint pain or impending pathological fracture.
  • Total hip arthroplasty – technical considerations such as protrusio acetabuli, proximal femur deformity, heterotrophic ossification, increased intraoperative bleeding, and slightly higher risk of aseptic loosening.
  • Total knee arthroplasty – extramedullary jig due to tibia deformity.


Paget’s disease

BSMET 5.png

Question: Describe the above radiograph. What is Paget’s disease and its underlying pathophysiology

Answer:Paget’s disease was first described by Sir James Paget in 1876. Aetiology of Paget’s disease remains unknown although this has been associated with positive family history and virus (paramyxovirus, RSV). Primary abnormality is increase in osteoclastic reabsorption of bone followed by compensatory bone formation (accelerated bone remodeling). Bone is rapidly laid down and resorbed. This leads to newly formed bone that is coarse fibred and disorganised architecturally. This leads to mechanically weak bone and the marrow tends to become fibrouswith scanty haematopoietic cells. The abnormal bone is rapidly resorbed by osteoclasts and bone turnover is greatly increased. There are two forms of Paget’s disease, the monostotic and polyostotic form.

Question: How does a patient with Paget’s disease normally present? What are the investigations of choice

Answer:Patient is normally asymptomatic from Paget’s disease. Most patients present with incidental findings on X-rays or raised blood alkaline phosphatase level for investigations of other conditions. Bone pain can be main presenting complaint, related to acute fracture or degenerative joint diseases. X-rays should be requested for acute bony pain in Paget’s disease to rule out acute fracture. This should be supplemented with other radiological investigations such as CT, MRI or bone scan as appropriate. Patient with long-standing Paget’s disease and presenting with acute bony pain should be investigated for acute sarcomatous changes. 

Question: If patient with Paget’s disease presents with painful hip/knee, how would you approach and manage the patient?

Answer:History taking and examination form my initial evaluation of the patient. X-ray of the joint or bone involved to rule out fracture or degenerative joint disease. Assuming that conservative management has been exhausted, I would offer the patient total hip replacement (THR)/total knee replacement (TKR) provided patient understands the risks and benefits involved with the procedures. If patient has a deformed limb or bone on X-rays, then long leg alignment view will be helpful in preoperative planning such as osteotomy level to enable the bone to accommodate the prosthesis/implants.

Question: What are the challenges of surgical management of hip/knee arthritis in patient with Paget’s disease? 

Answer:The challenges can be divided into local and systemic factors:

  • Local factors: deformed bone, bleeding due to increase blood flow, sclerotic bone causing suboptimal position of prosthesis, fracture, protrusion acetabuli, heterotopic ossification, placement of extramedullary jig in TKR due to tibia deformity. A course of bisphosphonate therapy preoperatively is advocated by some to reduce the risk of bleeding. 
  • Systemic: increased cardiac output, spinal stenosis (anaesthetic challenges).

Further reading

Merkow RL,Pellicci PM,Hely DP,Salvati EA.Total hip replacement for Paget's disease of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1984; 66(5): 752–758.

Lewallen DG.Hip arthroplasty in patients with Paget's disease. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1999; (369): 243–250.

Question:What are the challenges in management of acute fracture in a patient with Paget’s disease?

Answer: The challenges can be divided into local and systemic factors.

  • Local factors: deformed bone, bleeding due to increase blood flow, sclerotic bone causing suboptimal position of prosthesis, fracture. 
  • Systemic: increase cardiac output, spinal stenosis (anaesthetic challenges).

Further reading

Parvizi J,Klein GR,Sim FH.Surgical management of Paget's disease of bone. J Bone Miner Res 2006; 21 (Suppl 2): P75–P82.

Question :What kind of THR would you offer for patient with Paget’s disease?

Answer: A systematic review by Hanna et al. showed uncemented total hip replacement has lower failure rate in those with Paget’s disease. Postoperative functional outcome is largely similar to patients without Paget’s disease although revision rate higher with aseptic loosening. However, the study concluded that no modern stem design has been fixed using current generation of cementing techniques. 


Question: What is osteopetrosis and its underlying pathophysiology?

Answer: Osteopetrosis is a rare congenital disease caused by defective osteoclastic resorption of immature bone. This condition affects one in three million of the population. The inability of osteoclast to acidify Howship’s lacuna (osteoclast dysfunction with lack of ruffled border) leads to dense bone and obliterated medullary canals. This predisposes to fracture with lower extremity affected more than upper extremity and axial skeleton. 

Question: What are the orthopaedic manifestations of osteopetrosis?


  • Head: cranial nerve palsies (skull foramina overgrowth), osteomyelitis (lack of white blood cells)
  • Spine: lower back pain due spondylolysis
  • Pelvis: coxa vara
  • Extremities: carpal tunnel syndrome, long bone fractures

Question: What are the challenges in THR/TKR for patient suffering from osteopetrosis?


  • Long bone deformities that may require osteotomy prior to insertion of implants
  • Dense bone: hard to ream and broach due to narrow/no medullary canal, suboptimal placement of prosthesis leading to higher failure rate, fracture

Further reading

Strickland JP, Berry DJ. Total joint arthroplasty in patients with osteopetrosis: a report of 5 cases and review of the literature.Arthroplasty 2005; 20(6): 815–820.

Landa J, Margolis N, Di Cesare P. Orthopaedic management of the patient with osteopetrosis.J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2007; 15(11): 654–662.

Question: What are the challenges for fracture fixation in a patient with osteopetrosis?

Answer:Breakage of drill bits, bone necrosis due to heat produced during drilling of bone, risk of delay in consolidation and non-union owning to impaired bone remodelling.


Further Reading

  • 1. Bhargava AL, Vagela M, Lennox CM. Challenges in the management of fractures in osteopetrosis. Review of literature and technical tips learned from long-term management of seven patients. Injury 2009; 40(11): 1167–1171